
Monday, June 23, 2008

很美的粉紅Bridy - ZESPRI紐西蘭奇異果「國民健康大健檢」活動

週六去參加了"ZESPRI紐西蘭奇異果「國民健康大健檢」活動",我剛看到這個活動時還以為是像萬人崇Bike一樣的活動,所以就與同事各繳了100塊的報名費,結果到了活動前,看了老半天還是不太了解這奇異果到底是甚麼怪活動,我同事一直跟我說是變裝秀,我想說可能是騎腳踏車攀岩 (疑 ?),總之錢都繳了,就去報到領T-Shirt吧。





大盤使用Speed Drive內變大盤,兼顧容易爬坡與平路速度,據車主表示她全車配備都是自己挑的,真是了不起。




PS:若你認識車主的話,方便跟她說我想跟她要照片嗎 ? 我朋友(穿Nalini車衣那位)有與這兩台粉紅Bridy合照,謝謝。

捷安特安全騎乘小叮嚀 - 80元便宜尾燈

有朋友想買腳踏車,所以我帶他去一堆車行看車,到了北投捷安特時,看到了一旁的櫃上擺著一堆小冊子,寫著SAFE RIDE SAFE LIFE,旁邊還有一個尾燈寫特價80元,6/23開始。



這個全台限量三萬個的尾燈 ,其實就跟一般的尾燈差不了多少(可見平常尾燈賣個兩三百....),除了它會多一個SAFE RIDE SAFE LIFE的小冊子吊在上面,有三種閃爍功能,依序是恆亮、跑馬燈、閃燈。



Friday, June 20, 2008

Alteam XBOX 360 無線耳機 IFS-687W

會有這篇文章,是因為在PTT 的XBOX版看到Alteam的人在徵人測試他們的360專用無線耳機,並寫一篇評論。 ptt01 但是我對耳機不能說是有興趣、沒有研究、也沒寫過評論,我想我應該不符合他的需求吧XD,但是有時候我還蠻需要可以直接用耳機接360的。




右聲道: 2.8MHZ 左聲道:2.3MHz
喇叭:Φ40 mm mylar cone
頻率範圍:30-16,000 Hz
阻抗:32 Ω +- 15%

感度:-47dB +- 3dB
阻抗:0.68K Ω

電力來源:AAAx 2 顆


其中3.5mm/兩公兩母的梅花音源線可以讓你可以在現有 360<->聲音輸出端 的連結中,拉出一條3.5mm音源給耳機用,在紅白頭上分別有印上XBOX R/L、TV R/L,蠻細心的。



音效部分,我有在玩音響的同事給的評語是「優於AM,但遜於FM」。而我個人的感覺是整體的聲音有點悶悶的,低音不夠沉,人聲還好,高音部分因為也是悶悶的所以不夠亮。與同價格區間的鐵三角耳罩式耳機比起來,這個IFS-687W無線耳機是比不上的。而與iPod的耳機比,IFS-687W因為是包覆住耳朵,所以感覺起來iPod耳機聽起來比較空,低音效果也是IFS-687W較好,但是iPod耳機低音比較沉,也較有顆粒感,Bass聲不會糊在一起,高音也贏 IFS-687W。

IFS-687W在聽音樂時,有時候高音會爆掉,不知道是受限於無線傳輸或是耳機品質 ? 而有個小Bug就是在無聲到有聲時(常常是一首歌結束後,下首歌開始時),有時候會出現像是Over Drive過頭的音量過大,這時候有時也會同時爆音,不曉得是不是因為耳機偵測到沒訊號省電後再開導致 ?

在玩遊戲時,我覺得IFS-687W無線耳機前述的缺點倒是不怎麼有影響,因為我是設定對話從耳麥輸出,遊戲音效還是從喇叭,所以一般人聲在戰況激烈下其實也聽不出來音效的好壞。而麥克風部分我是感覺不出來與XBOX Live上網套件送的耳麥有什麼差別,也許有機會要找認識的連線問問看才知道。


基本上,以遊戲用耳麥來說,這個XBOX 360 無線耳機 IFS-687W其實算是還不錯的產品,比起一般幾百塊的耳麥,戴起來的舒適度還有音效都應該有比較好,加上是無線就更有吸引力了。雖然以純聽音樂來說,這個耳機是不太行,但是套句我同事的話「不到兩千給你紅外線傳輸、兩條連接線、變壓器、電池,你能要求音效有多好」,而且他產品定位也不是在聆聽音樂上,市場看來也不是打發燒友,我想應該還是會有玩家為了玩遊戲而買這隻的,畢竟紅外線是無線傳輸上成本最低的技術,所以IFS-687W相對用別的技術的無線耳機,價錢上是相當有優勢的。










After our site " http://www.bikemen.net/ " established and started reporting of events in Taiwan, we have adverted that there are so many high fliers needed to stop as an athlete suddenly after a short period of time, and have to face to the cruel reality - economical problems make their efforts in the passed years all ended in smoke.


Although Taiwan has been praised as the Kingdom of Cycling, but compared with other districts in Asia, the resources invested to this sport from the field here in the passed few years was so less. Even that, the main, short sighted organizer(s) of events just wanted to get money from riders asap ( by high attendance fee but low and/or without cash prizes for winners ), this did make no factories and enterprises want to support riders to be full-time athletes, which can let riders to further upgrade their strength freenessly, or to attend overseas events for increasing experiences of competition in big events. That’s why riders of Taiwan can’t have counterpoise in many international events.


Actually, Taiwan can be an excellent place for sport of cycling with great hardwares - endless roads and high mountains, but unfortunately, just lack of the most needs - softwares, partly as mentioned above. What a pity it is !

或許大家會說,台灣騎自行車的人相較其他地方來說,應該是一個自行車運動很發達的國家。然而,很多人卻誤會了 “自行車運動” 及 “以自行車為交通工具的休閒娛樂” 之間的分別。

Maybe we can say, compared with the districts around, cycling sport in Taiwan is well developed. However, there are so many people misunderstood and supposed it’s no difference between " Sport of cycling " and " Bikes used for transportation and entertainments ".


Professional baseball players are engaging the sport, although number of people used baseball for entertainment is not as many as cycling, most of us loved to watch their events. We wholeheartedness to wish professional sport of cycling can also be loved by numerous of people as they have.

我們 二輪人 的一眾夥伴,以及有著同一方向的前輩們,抱盡一點微力來推廣自行車運動的心,誠心在這裡為大家帶來全新的 “北台灣積分聯賽”,希望透過廢棄不必要的華麗頒獎台,但以低廉的報名費,高額的獎金 (高達 40 萬新台幣),及我們認真、謙虛及彼此尊重態度,令台灣自行車運動愛好者,有一較易負擔及公平切磋的平台。

All the members of http://www.bikemen.net/, now in league with those predecessors have the same thoughts of promoting the sport of cycling, sincerely for you all here, a brand new event "Tour de North Taiwan". Hoping that by disusing of over decorated podium, but with low attendance fee, have/high cash prizes ( totally up to NTW$ 400,000 in one stage ), and by our working attitude with conscientiousness, humble and respecting, to let all the cycling lovers in Taiwan can have a platform which is much more easy to afford, to improve oneself through equitable competitions.


Finally, for the ” Tour de North Taiwan ” can be accomplished, we sincerely hoping that you can support us by attendance and giving precious opinions.

註 :
如想進一步了解,或對這賽事有任何疑問及意見,請使用賽事專屬 問題與建議 欄內提出。

Note :
For more informations, having questions or precious opinions about this event, please leave message HERE.

二輪人 - 董嘉麒

Bikemen.net - Karick TUNG

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

[Molehill Empire]Quest 15~21

QUEST 15 - 3000 Sunflowers

From Town council Green Valley

The local society for the prevention of cruelty to animals needs 3000 sunflowers to prepare bird feed for this winter. We'll pay you 900,00 gB.

QUEST 16 - 2000 Potatoes

From Aunt Edna

Hello, I've been planning to make my special roast today and the entiretown has promised to come... Now I urgently need 2000 potatoes so I canprepare the dumplings. Do you think you'll manage? I'll pay you 1800,00 gB.

QUEST 17 - 4400 strawberries

From Town council Green Valley

Green Valley will be competing against Hedgerow Ville during the bigbakery competition and we're in dire need of 4400 strawberries! We'll pay you 400,00 gB.

QUEST 18 - 1430 Peppers

From Restaurant Golden Sunset

We need your help! We've run out of hot peppers for our chili eatingcontest. Since the competitors don't have any taste buds left anyway, send 1430 peppers, they won't even realize ... we'll pay you 2500,00 gB.

QUEST 19 - 900 Asparagus

From Kindergarten

Hello, we'd like to cook asparagus with our kids - do you have 900 asparagus to spare? We can't pay you anything, but one kid's parents havepromised to donate a foot path for your garden.

QUEST 20 - 1600 carrots, 1600 cauliflowers, 1000 potatoes and 1600 broccoli

From Town council Green Valley

The salvation army is holding its annual open house today and isoffering a gigantic vegetable soup. Please deliver 1600 carrots, 1600cauliflowers, 1000 potatoes and 1600 broccoli. We' ll pay you 4500,00 gB.

QUEST 21 - 500 peppers, 2000 lettuce, and 1100 of Spinach

Subject Pastor of Green Valley

Body Hello, we are collecting donations for "Gnomes in Need". Please helpthose less fortunate than yourself by a donation of 500 peppers, 2000 headsof lettuce and 1100 heads of Spinach.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Hungarian cyclists hold up their bicycleHungarian cyclists hold up their bicycles in the City Park, the 'Varosliget' of Budapest 22 September 2007 during a demonstration called Critical Mass on the occasion of the European Car Free Day. Critical Mass is a cycling event in which a large number of cyclists ride on the streets.

上圖為匈牙利的布達佩斯所辦的單車活動【單車臨界量】(Critical Mass),在台灣個比較好聽的名字叫【微笑單車】,雖然活動名稱不同,但都是單車族為爭取路權而辦的活動,看看上面那張圖,放眼望去有多少的單車被車友們舉起,希望能藉此讓更多人知道單車族的心聲,希望能為人身安全而增取路權,希望能以單車降低對大自然的汙染。



Wednesday, June 11, 2008

[ME/Regnum]GFX pack on IE7 and Mozilla Firefox

If your IE7 can't using GFX pack , try add following address into your trusted website in IE setting.

Molehill Empire

Kapi Regnum

If your Mozilla Firefox can't using GFX pack.....
open user.js in

add following line

user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "kapilandgfx");
user_pref("capability.policy.kapilandgfx.sites", "http://www.kapi-regnum.com");
user_pref("capability.policy.kapilandgfx.checkloaduri.enabled", "allAccess");
user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "molehillgfx");
user_pref("capability.policy.molehillgfx.sites", "http://s1.molehillempire.com");
user_pref("capability.policy.molehillgfx.checkloaduri.enabled", "allAccess");

Molehill Empire GFX set to

Kapi Regnum GFX set to

[Kapi Regnum] Sunday Puzzle 2008/02/03

Expansion Costs

The local manger of a nearby Stone Mine has recently contacted the kingdom advisors to ask permission to upgrade his Mine by an additional 70 square metres on top of the already built 140 square metres.

After reviewing his request the Council declined to allow him to upgrade 70sqm, but instead opted that 60sqm would be enough, and that they would offer a ten percent deduction on the cost of any materials brought from the royal warehouse custody not including Tools since they are brought in a constant supply.

Now this manager has been running the mine for so long he is considered a Huckster in the eyes of the council, so every additional squared metre costs him 120 wood, 60 stones and 12 tools.

Buying from the royal warehouse these materials cost him 24¢τ for each fathom of wood, and the same for Stone, although he can get this from the Mine itself. Tools are priced at 12¢τ each, although he already receives a five percent discount on these from buying at a constant level for use in the Mines.

So he already has a supply of Stone from his Mine, but needs to buy enough Tools and Wood for this upgrade in size.

He also needs to hire constructors to build this extension who charge at a rate of 1,200¢τ per squared metre.

Once the construction is complete he also needs to hire six new employees at a charge of 2,000¢τ each.

How much in ¢τ would the manager need to spend in total for the construction of his mine extension?

Remember to take into account any discounts and the amount of materials he actually needs.


upgrade 60sqm , 1sqm=120 wood, 60 stones and 12 tools.

so need
wood = 60x120=7200 unit
stones can supply by self so didn't need to count it.
tools = 60x12= 720 unit

the price
wood = 7200x24x90% = 155520¢τ
tools = 720x12x95% = 8208¢τ
extension charge = 60x1200= 72000¢τ
hire employees = 6x2000 = 12000¢τ

Total= 247728¢τ

[Kapi Regnum] Sunday Puzzle 2008/01/20

Fruity Fun

During a normal day in the medieval market town of Maldon a regular visitor named Adela makes her rounds to purchase supplies for her family, using the money her husband had earned at work on the plains a farmers cattle a few days before.

She could not afford much been that they were a poor family, but it was enough for them to feed themselves. Been that they could only afford meat as a treat on rare occasions they most often brought fruit, and had became very fond of apples.

After searching for a short while she found a Fruit Stall selling Apples, Grapes, Nuts, Berries and much more all with a similar price range, and decent quality. Usually you would find them to be slightly rotted, and on sale for a cheaper price.

Looking at the apples she found them to each have a different price range; Red Apples were 7¢τ, Yellow Apples were 6¢τ and Green, 9¢τ.After checking her pockets she brought enough to last a few days, knowing she could make Fretoure's for one day of that week.

She brought six yellow apples, nine green apples, and five red apples from the stall owner, and continued walking around the market for a short time. When she had finished she proceeded to walk home with her basket of apples in hand.

On her way through the streets she came across a friend, Tristana, who also happened to be fond of apples.. but she hated Yellow Apples, claiming them to not be as sweet as the other colours, She had just been to a stall herself, but was forced to buy two Yellow Apples been that the stall only had a small number of Red and Green.

Tristana offered to trade her two yellow apples for one red apple of Adela's, which was graciously accepted, after which they departed to go their separate ways. On the way home Adela ate one of her newly traded Yellow Apples.

When Adela got home, how much would she have spent on the apples she brought back with her?


Red Apples = 7¢τ
Yellow Apples = 6¢τ
Green Apples = 9¢τ

Adela bought 6Y 9G 5R from store so = 6x6+9x9+5x7=152¢τ

Tristana trade 2Y for 1R, so now is 8Y 9G 4R=8x6+9x9+4x7=157¢τ

Adela eat 1Y , so finaly she brought 7Y 9G 4R to home.

the answer is 7x6+9x9+4x7=151¢τ

Tuesday, June 10, 2008





敬祝 萬事如意



Monday, June 9, 2008

[Kapi Regnum] Sunday Puzzle 2008/01/06

What Am I?

I am seen as larger then I really am with these things on my head,

I am brown in colour often with a shade of white or black spots,

I live in the wild in the cold and chase penguins for fun,

When in the season I race with my friends following the stars,

Pulling with us a sledge around the world from chimney to chimney,

Oh what a weight we have to pull each year!

What am I?



[Kapi Regnum] Sunday Puzzle 2007/12/23

The Guard's Password

There was once a poor man, thin and dressed in rags who desperately needed work to earn himself enough to eat.

One day he was wandering across the market place in search of food dropped by the various shoppers looking to find produce from the local stall owners.

However what he found wasn't food, but he overheard a rumour that a local farmer was drowning himself in Beer at a nearby Brewery and complaining that one of his employees had left to work elsewhere for a better amount of pay.

Not one to turn down any possibly of finding employment the man began his walk towards the Brewery, only to be dropped at the door by a guard who quickly turned him away for not knowing the required password to enter.

Not to be discouraged the man hid behind a nearby bush just around the corner and listened waiting for other guests to the Brewery to arrive, one by one.

The first person to visit was told by the guard, "Twelve" to which the traveler quickly responded with the word "Six", and was allowed to enter.

Shortly after a second person came, also dressed in rags like our friend looking for a job. The guard said to this man "Six" and was given the answer of "Three" to be granted entry to the Brewery.

A short time later a third came, this time in Merchants Robes. With a grin on his face the guard said "Five", to which the Merchant responded with "Four".

Finally, confident he knew enough to figure out the password, the man came out of his hiding place, walked around the corner and knocked on the door. “Seven” said the guard.

Question: What should the man answer the guard in order to be let in?





so..."Seven" should answer Five.

[Kapi Regnum] Sunday Puzzle 2008/06/08

Crate Counting

A young lad named Petri has just recently become of age to begin working to help secure his family's future.

He finds work in a nearby storehouse which specializes in the delivery of fruit related products to other towns and cities.

His first assignment is to place a range of products into crates ready to be delivered to a town in the far north of the country.

With this been such a long trip he also needs to account for a thin layer of herbs on the inside of the crates to keep the fruit fresh for when it arrives in town.

Taking the measurements of the crates from the outsides he finds them to be approximately 20x20, and 30cm in height.Note that the crates themselves are three centimetres thick all around, and he has to leave 2cm in each crate for the Herbs.

This leaves 15x15, and 25cm in height.

He has Apples, Grapes and Nuts to fit into the crates.
The Apples measure 3x3x3.
The Grapes & Nuts measure 1x1x1.

He has 1400 Apples, 10500 Grapes, and 5400 Nuts to pack into Crates. All Crates must be packed separately with different fruits; These fruits cannot be cut in any way and must be packed whole.

Question: How many Crates does Petri need to pack all the fruit in?


for Apples : one crates can pack (15/3)x(25/3)=40 unit
for Grapes & Nuts :one crates can pack 15x25=375 unit

so the answer is 1400/40+10500/375+5400/375=78 Crates

Friday, June 6, 2008

大陸有趣物 Part 2

這邊有之前寫的Part 1可以看。

似乎很先進 這是在餐館拍到的,看起來是消毒後再包裝的乾淨餐具。上次到大陸時並沒有看到這樣子的東東,看來是新推出的,原本餐具是從看起來不太乾淨的桶子拿出來給你,現在是從同一個桶子拿出包好的餐具給你,感覺上是比較好啦.......不過看看包裝上,遠紅外線是拿來消毒的嗎 ? 我是不瞭解啦,看在乾淨的份上,我還蠻能接受這項改變的。

似曾相似 又是似曾相似的產品,是左邊學右邊又或是右邊學左邊,看官們自行解讀吧XD

上吊的熊 在蘇州觀前街拍到的熊娃娃,看起來很像在上吊 -_- ,我拍了照片後,就有一對情侶來要買這隻了,我一直很好奇這麼大隻要怎麼帶回家XD

腳踏車也有交通號誌 這是在蘇州十全街拍到的,別人腳踏車都有交通號誌了,台灣的腳踏車還只是政客作秀用,唉。自行車道一堆不是崎嶇不平就是下雨會變成殺人步道的材質,怎麼比的上別人啊。

台灣神奇棉花糖 台灣神奇棉花糖。是的,套句台灣記者的話,在大陸什麼東西只要扯上台灣就很"",還有台灣香腸、台灣綿綿冰....etc,也有很多店是標榜來自台灣,或是風靡台灣什麼的,這算是另類的哈台風嗎XDDDDD

[Molehill Empire]Newbie help 新手教學

本文由PTT rczk翻譯自Molehill Empire Newbie Help.
Molehill Empire


ME_NPC滿足你的顧客的訂單。找出他們要買什麼,簡單的在他們身上點一下,他們就會出示出他們的購物清單。你不需要馬上去處理他們所有的訂單,你的顧客是相當的有耐心滴。你會得到3個選項:點選 ”yes”這個訂單馬上會交貨,點選 “later”當你想要完成這個訂單,當點選 ”no”時,你將會把你的顧客轟回家而不賣給他任何東西(不建議)。

當你開始遊戲時,你只能栽培2種不同的作物:Carrots(胡蘿蔔)和 Lettuce(萵苣)。
ME_Tools你的第一步就是開始耕種(點選上方選單中的花盆plant),你的第二步就是灌溉你的農作物(使用灑水壺water,如果你要的話)。一旦你的農作物成熟,你可以收割它們(使用鐮刀harvest)。注意:灌溉你的農作物將會使他們成長的更快。灌溉的效果將會持續24小時。一旦過了24小時,你可以再灌溉一次。在你收成你的農作物後,他們將以種子的型態出現再你的架子上(在相對應的玻璃罐中)。每個收成的農作物將會讓你得到幫助你不斷升級的點數。一旦你升到新的等級,你將可以種植和購買新的農作物。在一開始你必須與weeds(雜草)、tree stumps(樹根)還有moles(鼴鼠)對抗。一旦你賺得你的第一個地精幣,你將可以立即的清除他們。


ME_contract你也可以寄出contracts,也就是把農作物寄給其他玩家而不用付出額外的商業稅。在你開啟了你選單列中的目錄夾後,只要選擇你要賣的物品並把它拖曳到手推車中,輸入物品單價並且別忘了輸入收件者。點選 “send”就寄出去了。當收件者簽收你的contract你將會收到你的gB酬勞。你也可以在選單列中找到你的個人資料(Profile)。進入你的個人資料來修改你的密碼和啟動花園展示功能。在你架子下的小花盆將帶領你進入論壇。


ME_Bike在你籬笆的右下方,緊鄰著圖形介面,你將會發現一輛腳踏車。使用他去造訪Green Valley村。在Green Valley村有許多等待去發現-在help中尋找、查詢Green Valley。現在歡迎遊玩Molehill Empire

Thursday, June 5, 2008


因為上班會經過的關係,我通常都在台塑芝山加油站加油,大約一年半前吧,那時候加油還是滿100送衛生紙的,不過有一天就突然掛了布條寫滿100送水、滿200才送衛生紙,自此之後,我再也沒有拿過衛生紙了。後來有一天,我發現了汽車加油島那邊寫了"加現金50元送礦泉水乙瓶,刷卡贈品減半",這樣就怪了,為何汽、機車的待遇不同 ?

機車一向就被人歧視,我想因為當權者不是自己開車就是別人開車載他,永遠不知道民生疾苦,不是說"騎機車易生交通事故",就是說"機車退出騎樓/人行道",卻不知汽車肇事機率比機車高(北市警資料新聞資料),也不知道機車車位數量完全不符需求,而近來郝市長看到道路規劃無法負荷機車流量,居然是要大家別騎機車,而不是想辦法改善交通,這不是何不食肉靡嗎 ?

政府永遠抱怨不完,回到正題抱怨芝山加油站。不曉得是芝山加油站給機車加的油是劣質品,所以利潤比較低,贈品要減半,又或是芝山加油站認為機車都是刷卡,贈品需要減半 ? 為何芝山加油站要歧視機車族呢 ? 有沒有人能給我個答案,謝謝。

機車沒有路權,被政府排擠就算了,誰叫我們不開"3000CC小車",連加油都要被排擠,我們又不是沒有付錢,為何要遭受次等待遇 ?


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Warhammer Online Beta Signup !!

期待已久的Warhammer Online終於可以申請Beta Account了....話不多說,請到下面這個網址註冊。


warhammer-sign2 註冊完Beta Account後,就可以進入Beta版網頁看你的資訊...etc等等,可是沒看到有哪邊可以下在主程式和創遊戲帳號,只看到Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Status: Applied,也許要等點時間吧。

[Molehill Empire]Quest 8~14

QUEST 8 - 1500 Marigolds

From Kindergarten

Body To celebrate the beginning of spring, we'd like to bind some wreaths with our children. Could you spare 1500 marigolds?

QUEST 9 - 1600 Tomatoes

From Town council Green Valley

Body Have you been to Spain lately? Well, that doesn't matter, we're going to stage our very own tomato battle on the market square. Send 1600 tomatoes to the great tomato battle straight on the market place. You'll receive 200,00 gB.

QUEST 10 - 300 potatoes, 2400 onions, 500 radishes and 600 cucumbers

From Restaurant Golden Sunset

Body We need 300 potatoes, 2400 onions, 500 radishes and 600 cucumbers for our special gnome potato salad. Well pay you 1400,00 gB.

QUEST 11 - 3000 tomatoes and 600 onions

From Town council Green Valley

Body The entire community of Green Valley has been invited to the great lasagnafeast. Since we only have one Italian restaurant (the one around the corner) and the proprietor tends to complain, send him 3000 tomatoes and 600 onions. We'll pay you 600,00 gB.

QUEST 12 - 1500 potatoes

From Town council Green Valley

Body Potato famine in Kapilands! The entire potato harvest has been spoiled! Please help the inhabitants and send them 1500 potatoes. You will receive 2000,00 gB.

QUEST 13 - 900 caultiflowers, 900 Spinach and 900 lettuce

From Town council Green Valley

Body Have you heard of Kapi Regnum? They hardly have any vegetables left - they're close to another severe famine! Please send 900 cauliflowers, 900 plants of spinach and 900 heads of lettuce. We'll pay you 1300,00 gB.

QUEST 14 - 2010 Garlic

From Town council Green Valley

Body Our gnomes have gotten sick and the local doctor has prescribed them a garlic-cure. Please send us 2010 cloves of garlic. We'll pay you and the doctor will donate some wooden balls for your garden.

[Molehill Empire]Quest 1~7

QUEST 1 - 1000 Lettuce

Hello, we urgently need 1000 heads of lettuce for our convention. We'll pay you 20,00 gB. Once you've got the heads, just stop by in town, so we can finish the deal. The congress center is right next to the lake. It's marked by an arrow, so you can't miss it.

Quest #1 completed
You have successfully completed the quest "Vegetarian Convention".
You have been awarded:
Cash: 20,00 gB
Points: 50

Quest 2 - 2400 Carrots

From Town council Green Valley

Our garden gnomes are participating at a beauty pageant and need 2400 carrots to help them tan faster. We'll pay you 40,00 gB.

QUEST 4 - 702 Carrots, 520 Strawberries, 500 radishes

From Restaurant Golden Sunset

Hello, our chef is planning to serve his delicious vegetable stew tomorrow. He'll need 702 carrots, 520 strawberries and 500 radishes. We'll pay you 70,00 gB

QUEST 6 - 1100 Potatoes

From Aunt Edna

Hello, I am planning to cook a strong potato soup for the homeless shelter. Alas, I don't have enough potatoes. Could you send 1100 potatoes over? I will pay you 700,00 gB.

QUEST 7 - 5000 Spinach

From Town council Green Valley

To celebrate the opening night of our new blockbuster Pop Aye in style, we'vebeen planning a rain of spinach. Could you send us 5000 spinach plants?Finely chopped and cleaned, please, we don't want the expensive gowns to beruined. We'll pay you 2700,00 gB and as additional incentive, we'll give you a fountain to decorate your garden.

Warhammer Online Cinematic Trailer

這部影片應該是Warhammer Online很久以前首次公布的影片,現在看還是很有吸引人。



Monday, June 2, 2008

令人失望的張懸@The Wall

DSC015526/1晚上與友人去The Wall看張懸的表演,票上寫八點開始,七點到時已經排了約100人的隊了,站著等等等等到八點進場後,又繼續站著等等等,等到約八點四十,表演終於開始。





總之,扣除高音唱不上去和沙啞之外,這次表演以聽歌來說是還可以接受的,不過與其花錢站老半天還要祈禱這次歌手的狀況要好,場面別太冷等等,我覺得還是聽專輯比較穩 -_-

btw,the wall的pa控的不太好,常常都是各種樂器轟在一起,又不是在搖頭party ....