
Friday, June 20, 2008








After our site " http://www.bikemen.net/ " established and started reporting of events in Taiwan, we have adverted that there are so many high fliers needed to stop as an athlete suddenly after a short period of time, and have to face to the cruel reality - economical problems make their efforts in the passed years all ended in smoke.


Although Taiwan has been praised as the Kingdom of Cycling, but compared with other districts in Asia, the resources invested to this sport from the field here in the passed few years was so less. Even that, the main, short sighted organizer(s) of events just wanted to get money from riders asap ( by high attendance fee but low and/or without cash prizes for winners ), this did make no factories and enterprises want to support riders to be full-time athletes, which can let riders to further upgrade their strength freenessly, or to attend overseas events for increasing experiences of competition in big events. That’s why riders of Taiwan can’t have counterpoise in many international events.


Actually, Taiwan can be an excellent place for sport of cycling with great hardwares - endless roads and high mountains, but unfortunately, just lack of the most needs - softwares, partly as mentioned above. What a pity it is !

或許大家會說,台灣騎自行車的人相較其他地方來說,應該是一個自行車運動很發達的國家。然而,很多人卻誤會了 “自行車運動” 及 “以自行車為交通工具的休閒娛樂” 之間的分別。

Maybe we can say, compared with the districts around, cycling sport in Taiwan is well developed. However, there are so many people misunderstood and supposed it’s no difference between " Sport of cycling " and " Bikes used for transportation and entertainments ".


Professional baseball players are engaging the sport, although number of people used baseball for entertainment is not as many as cycling, most of us loved to watch their events. We wholeheartedness to wish professional sport of cycling can also be loved by numerous of people as they have.

我們 二輪人 的一眾夥伴,以及有著同一方向的前輩們,抱盡一點微力來推廣自行車運動的心,誠心在這裡為大家帶來全新的 “北台灣積分聯賽”,希望透過廢棄不必要的華麗頒獎台,但以低廉的報名費,高額的獎金 (高達 40 萬新台幣),及我們認真、謙虛及彼此尊重態度,令台灣自行車運動愛好者,有一較易負擔及公平切磋的平台。

All the members of http://www.bikemen.net/, now in league with those predecessors have the same thoughts of promoting the sport of cycling, sincerely for you all here, a brand new event "Tour de North Taiwan". Hoping that by disusing of over decorated podium, but with low attendance fee, have/high cash prizes ( totally up to NTW$ 400,000 in one stage ), and by our working attitude with conscientiousness, humble and respecting, to let all the cycling lovers in Taiwan can have a platform which is much more easy to afford, to improve oneself through equitable competitions.


Finally, for the ” Tour de North Taiwan ” can be accomplished, we sincerely hoping that you can support us by attendance and giving precious opinions.

註 :
如想進一步了解,或對這賽事有任何疑問及意見,請使用賽事專屬 問題與建議 欄內提出。

Note :
For more informations, having questions or precious opinions about this event, please leave message HERE.

二輪人 - 董嘉麒

Bikemen.net - Karick TUNG

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