毒奶事件越演越烈,當全世界許多國家開始China Free的時候,台灣卻在為大陸黑心產品解套,一下子是說多喝水就好,一下子又說2.5ppm毒奶一天可以吃15公斤很安全(備份),雖然政府這樣說,但是我們的行政院長劉兆玄不敢喝,行政院副院長與衛生署長也不敢喝,這就怪了,話都是他們在說,自己卻又不敢喝,真是太超過了。
首先來看這篇轉貼新聞"毒奶牽扯劉妻 劉揆怒嗆「來告我」",新聞備份在這
這就是我們的政府,一心討好中共,做到連外國媒體都報導出來,再這樣下去,也許我們也會開始放五一、十一長假了 -_-
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
這篇文章是我在癮科技看到" 小薑雜談:錢這樣花,值得嗎? "後,大受感動而生出來的。
說真的,現在還有多少人能有這種科學人的想法 ? 現今社會太多人把心力放在鬥爭上,太多人把心力放在私利上,還有多少人能純粹為了理想去邁進,甚至是為了人類而去努力呢 ? 很多人覺得LHC的實驗浪費錢、危險,也許從事這個實驗的科學家們,出發點並不是為了全人類,但不管這個實驗的結果如何,或多或少都會為人類的進步帶來幫助,總比把這些錢去搞政治好多了。
以下轉錄癮科技: 小薑雜談:錢這樣花,值得嗎? 的原文
由 Andy Yang 發表
上周總算上線的 LHC,是人類有史以來造價最昂貴的一台純實驗器材,達 60 億美元(
知識就像一顆樹:理論是根,實驗是幹,應用是枝,成品是葉。我們今天享受的許多技術成果,都是很久以前為了無關的事情砸過大錢、砸過無數的時間,今天我們才能享受這些便利的。沒有愛迪生的實驗,哪來的電燈?沒有原子彈的開發,哪來的核能發電?或者,沒有 LHC 的前輩撞擊器們,哪來的斷層掃瞄?沒有 CERN,哪來的網際網路?
事實是,從樹根不會直接長出枝葉來。從假想的理論,必須要經過實驗的認證和觀察,才有可能知道理論的真假,以及是否有潛力成為影響全人類的技術、商品。LHC 的主要研究目標是找出「質量」和「重力」的來源與本質,對一般人來說這真的是一個很遙遠的課題,不過誰知道呢?或許有一天大家都開著反重力車在天上飛的時候,會想起「還好我們花錢蓋了 LHC」呢!
人類是喜歡探索未知的生物,只是隨著地表各處都被踏遍,太空競賽時代又已經過去,已經很難有能夠抓住全人類想像的探索活動。但正因為如此,當有真正值得人類探索的新事物出現時,我們才更應該珍惜,盡全力去開拓未知。最近的太空在頭頂 100 公里遠處,最深的海底在腳邊 11 公里深處,而真理卻在伸手可及處 -- 只要你願意伸手。
Monday, September 15, 2008
WarHammer Open Beta 雜圖
玩了Warhammer Open Beta幾天,在14號終於結束了OB,開始了典藏版的Head Start,16號則是Pre-order玩家Head Start的時候,趁這時候把OB抓的圖貼一貼,期待戰槌正式開始!!
Empire的第一個Public Quest,Roll到第一名XD
Open Beta的最後一天,此時解了30個稱號
Empire的第一個Public Quest,Roll到第一名XD
Open Beta的最後一天,此時解了30個稱號
Monday, September 8, 2008
Warhammer Achievment
http://warhammervault.ign.com/wiki/index.php/Achievement_ListTitle | Achievment |
Killed 5 enemy players anywhere | |
Killed 50 enemy players anywhere | |
Killed 100 enemy players anywhere | |
Killed 500 enemy players anywhere | |
Killed 1000 enemy players anywhere | |
Killed 5000 enemy players anywhere | |
Killed 10,000 enemy players anywhere | |
Kill 3 players without dying yourself | |
Kill 6 players without dying yourself | |
Kill 9 players without dying yourself | |
Kill 15 players without dying yourself | |
Kill 30 players without dying yourself | |
SSykriss's Bane | Defeated Ssykriss in its Lair |
The Present | Signed up for 5 guild calendar events |
The Supporter | Signed up for 50 guild calendar events |
The Prolific | Signed up for 500 guild calendar events |
The Omnipresent | Signed up for 5,000 guild calendar events |
The Keep Crippler | Killed 25 Keep Lords |
The Keep Raider | Killed 100 Keep Lords |
The Lord Lasher | Killed 1000 Keep Lords |
The Keep Krusher | Killed 5000 Keep Lords |
The Cutpurse | Looted 25 items |
The Pirate | Looted 200 items |
The Hoarder | Looted 1,000 items |
The Plunderer | Looted 100,000 items |
The Loot Harlet | Looted 1,000,000 items |
The Pawner | Earned 1 gold over entire career |
The Loaded | Earned 50 gold over entire career |
The Regal | Earned 1,000 gold over entire career |
The Opulent | Earned 50,000 gold over entire career |
Made | Earned 10,000,000 gold over entire career |
The Wise | Completed 25 tome unlocks |
The Adventurer | Completed 100 tome unlocks |
The Never-Rester | Completed 777 tome unlocks |
The Overachiever | Completed 2000 tome unlocks |
The Omniscient | Completed 5000 tome unlocks |
The Snob | Added 5 characters on your Ignore list |
The Reclusive | Added 40 characters on your Ignore list |
The Exiler | Added 100 characters on your Ignore list |
The Friendly | Added 5 characters on your Friends list |
The Amiable | Added 40 characters on your Friends list |
The Socialite | Added 100 characters on your Friends list |
The Conscript | Joined 10 groups |
The Trooper | Joined 100 groups |
The Pack Hunter | Joined 1,000 groups |
Ow My Eye | Clicked on yourself 100 times |
The Vain | Clicked on yourself 5,000 times |
The Self-Centered | Clicked on yourself 5,000,000 times |
The Peddler | Completed 50 trades with other players |
The Trader | Completed 1000 trades with other players |
The Exporter | Completed 1,000,000 trades with other players |
The Talker | Used the 'tell' command 50 times |
The Blabbing | Used the 'tell' command 1000 times |
The Verbose | Used the 'tell' command 1,000,000 times |
The Peon | Gained 1,000 Influence |
The Influential | Gained 10,000 Influence |
The Prominent | Gained 100,000 Influence |
The Renown | Gained 1,000,000 Influence |
The Eminent | Gained 100,000,000 Influence |
Snuffed | Died 10 times |
Victim | Died 100 times |
Danger Prone | Died 2,000 times |
Casket Filler | Died 10,000 times |
Daisy Pusher | Died 100,000 times |
The Green | Died 10 times in RvR |
Meat Shield | Died 100 times in RvR |
Canon Fodder | Died 1,000 times in RvR |
The Lame Duck | Died 10,000 times in RvR |
The Feckless | Died 100,000 times in RvR |
The Lucky | Killed 10 players in RvR |
The Mauler | Killed 100 players in RvR |
The Blooded | Killed 1,000 players in RvR |
The Psychopath | Killed 10,000 players in RvR |
The Berserker | Killed 100,000 players in RvR |
Run Away! | Died 10 times from a monster |
The Bait | Died 100 times from a monster |
Trained | Died 1,000 times from a monster |
Routed | Died 5,000 times from a monster |
The Tragic | Died 50,000 time from a monster |
The Wasteful | Destroyed 10 items |
The Garbage Disposal | Destroyed 100 items |
The Rubbish Remover | Destroyed 1,000 items |
The Litter Bug | Destroyed 10,000 items |
The Debris Destroyer | Destroyed 1,000,000 items |
The Blue-Ribbon Chicken | Killed 5 chickens as a chicken |
The Topflight Chicken | Killed 50 chickens as a chicken |
The Champion Chicken | Killed 100 chickens as a chicken |
The Super Chicken | Killed 1,000 chickens as a chicken |
The Prime Chicken | Killed 5,000 chickens as a chicken |
The Fowl Finisher | Killed 5 chickens, not as a chicken |
The Fowl Frier | Killed 50 chickens, not as a chicken |
The Fowl Stomper | Killed 100 chickens, not as a chicken |
The Fowl Waster | Killed 1,000 chickens, not as a chicken |
The Fowl Annihilater | Killed 5,000 chickens, not as a chicken |
The Strength of Poultry | Killed 5 players as a chicken |
The Vigor of Poultry | Killed 50 players as a chicken |
The Power of Poultry | Killed 100 players as a chicken |
The Prowess of Poultry | Killed 1,000 players as a chicken |
The Might of Poultry | Killed 5,000 players as a chicken |
The Skinner | Butchered 50 corpses |
The Body Butcher | Butchered 1,000 corpses |
The Corpse Cutter | Butchered 50,000 corpses |
The Carcass Carver | Butchered 500,000 corpses |
The Lint Looter | Scavenged 50 corpses |
The Body Searcher | Scavenged 1,000 corpses |
The Frisky | Scavenged 50,000 corpses |
The Remains Robber | Scavenged 500,000 corpses |
The Spark Snuffer | Killed 10 players whose renown doubles your own |
The Fire Snuffer | Killed 500 players whose renown doubles your own |
The Blaze Snuffer | Killed 5,000 players whose renown doubles your own |
The Pebble Pulverizer | Killed 10 players whose renown triples your own |
The Rock Pulverizer | Killed 500 players whose renown triples your own |
The Boulder Pulverizer | Killed 5,000 players whose renown triples your own |
The Tin Bender | Killed 10 players whose renown quadruples your own |
The Iron Bender | Killed 500 players whose renown quadruples your own |
The Steel Bender | Killed 5,000 players whose renown quadruples your own |
The Box Watcher | Opened the mailbox 50 times |
The Stamper | Opened the mailbox 500 times |
The Deliverer | Opened the mailbox 5,000 times |
Opened the mailbox 50,000 times | |
The Revived | Been resurrected 20 times |
The Reborn | Been resurrected 100 times |
The Extra Squishy | Been resurrected 500 times |
The Priest's Pain | Been resurrected 1,000 times |
The Feline Favored | Been resurrected 10,000 times |
The Quest Completer | Completed 25 quests |
The Quest Hunter | Completed 100 quests |
The Quest Monger | Completed 1,000 quests |
The Elite Quester | Completed 2,500 quests |
The Grand Quester | Completed 5,000 quests |
Won 25 duels | |
Won 250 duels | |
Won 2,500 duels | |
Won 25,000 duels | |
Lost 25 duels | |
Lost 250 duels | |
Lost 2,500 duels | |
Lost 25,000 duels | |
The Cultivator | Cultivated 50 plants |
The Farm Hand | Cultivated 1,000 plants |
The Harvester | Cultivated 50,000 plants |
The Prime Planter | Cultivated 500,000 plants |
The Mixer | Finish 25 Apothecary sessions |
The Concocter | Finish 500 Apothecary sessions |
The Fine Fuser | Finish 5,000 Apothecary sessions |
The Elixir Mixer | Finish 25,000 Apothecary sessions |
The Grand Concocter | Finish 100,000 Apothecary sessions |
The Infuser | Finish 25 Talisman sessions |
The Bitz Breaker | Finish 500 Talisman sessions |
The Parts Assembler | Finish 5,000 Talisman sessions |
The Tinkerer | Finish 25,000 Talisman sessions |
The Ticker | Finish 100,000 Talisman sessions |
The Repairer | Repaired 25 broken items |
The Fixer | Repaired 250 broken items |
The Restorer | Repaired 2,500 broken items |
The Master Mender | Repaired 25,000 broken items |
Mister Jingles | Taken only coins from the Mystery Bag 25 times |
The Coin Collector | Taken only coins from the Mystery Bag 250 times |
The Piece Picket | Taken only coins from the Mystery Bag 1,000 times |
Small Change | Taken only coins from the Mystery Bag 10,000 times |
The Lead Lopper | Killed 10 Guild Leaders |
The Oppressor | Killed 100 Guild Leader |
The Unmotivated | Killed 1,000 Guild Leaders |
The Morale Drainer | Killed 10,000 Guild Leaders |
AHHHHHHH | Died 25 times from falling |
The Uncoordinated | Died 250 times from falling |
The Unbalanced | Died 5,000 times from falling |
The Pancake | Died 50,000 times from falling |
The Above Average | Finished 10 PQs with a 'B' Grade |
The Passer | Finished 100 PQs with a 'B' Grade |
The Almost There | Finished 250 PQs with a 'B' Grade |
Just Shy | Finished 1,000 PQs with a 'B' Grade |
B Good | Finished 2,500 PQs with a 'B' Grade |
The Topper | Finished 10 PQs with an 'A' Grade |
The Brown Noser | Finished 100 PQs with an 'A' Grade |
The Teacher's Pet | Finished 250 PQs with an 'A' Grade |
A Cut Above the Rest | Finished 1,000 PQs with an 'A' Grade |
The Top Notch | Finished 2,500 PQs with an 'A' Grade |
Good Enough | Finished 10 PQs ranked #2 |
Of Fine Caliber | Finished 100 PQs ranked #2 |
The Next to Best | Finished 250 PQs ranked #2 |
Make the Cut | Finished 1,000 PQs ranked #2 |
The Squishy Seconds | Finished 2,000 PQs ranked #2 |
Fabulous First Place | Finished 10 PQs ranked #1 |
League of My Own | Finished 100 PQs ranked #1 |
The High Scorer | Finished 250 PQs ranked #1 |
Well Rated | Finished 1,000 PQs ranked #1 |
The Pole Position | Finished 2,000 PQs ranked #1 |
The Streaker | Finished 10 PQs unarmored |
The Uninhibited | Finished 100 PQs unarmored |
The Bare | Finished 1,000 PQs unarmored |
The Unencumbered | Finished 5,000 PQs unarmored |
The Camper | Finished 25 Public Quests |
The Hazard Clearer | Finished 100 Public Quests |
The Influence Gainer | Finished 750 Public Quests |
The Master Blaster | Finished 2,000 Public Quests |
The Head Honcho | Finished 5,000 Public Quests |
The Crucial Crusher | Triggered 25 Critical Hits |
The Strategic Hitter | Triggered 250 Critical Hits |
The Pivotal Force | Triggered 5,000 Critical Hits |
The Timed Striker | Triggered 50,000 Critical Hits |
The Dire Dealer | Triggered 500,000 Critical Hits |
The Tooth Skinner | Survived 5 battles with Health under 5% |
The Slim Pickins | Survived 25 battles with Health under 5% |
Denied | Survived 250 battles with Health under 5% |
The Razors Edge | Survived 2,500 battles with Health under 5% |
The Builder | Constructed 10 siege weapons |
The Constructor | Constructed 100 siege weapons |
Man-at-Arms | Constructed 1,000 siege weapons |
The Heavy | Constructed 5,000 siege weapons |
The Efficient Operator | Achieved 25 perfect shots with a siege weapon |
Big Bad'da Boomer | Achieved 200 perfect shots with a siege weapon |
The Battery | Achieved 2,000 perfect shots with a siege weapon |
The Mass Mauler | Achieved 9,000 perfect shots with a siege weapon |
The Mighty Siege Slayer | Achieved 25,000 perfect shots with a siege weapon |
Master Slayer of Small Beasts | Completed 3 Beast, lesser subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Large Beasts | Completed 3 Beast, greater subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Birds | Completed 3 Birds subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Crawlies | Completed 3 Insect/Spider/Lizard subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Khorne Daemons | Completed 3 Daemons of Khorne subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Tzeentch Daemons | Completed 3 Daemons of Tzeentch subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Nurgle Daemons | Completed 3 Daemons of Nurgle subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Slaanesh Daemons | Completed 3 Daemons of Slaanesh subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Beastmen | Completed 3 Beastmen subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Dwarfs | Completed 3 Dwarfs (class) subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Dark Elves | Completed 3 Dark Elves (class) subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of High Elves | Completed 3 High Elves (class) subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Petty Greenskins | Completed 3 Greenskins, lesser (non-class) subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Greenskins | Completed 3 Greenskins, Orcs/Gobbo subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Humans of Chaos | Completed 3 Humans, Chaos (class) subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Men of the Empire | Completed 3 Humans, Empire (class) subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Insignificant Humans | Completed 3 Humans, other subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Chaos Breeds | Completed 3 Chaos Breeds subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Magical Beasts | Completed 3 Magical Beasts subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Beasts of Nature | Completed 3 Nature Beasts subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Greater Undead | Completed 3 Greater Undead subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Spirits | 10,000 Spirits each |
Master Slayer of Trolls | Killed 10,000 Basic, River, & Stone Trolls each |
Master Slayer of Lesser Undead | Killed 10,000 Zombies, Skeletons, & Wights each |
Master Slayer of Dragonoids | Completed 3 dragonoid subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Giants | Completed 3 giant subtype unlocks |
Master Slayer of Ogres | Completed 3 ogre subtype unlocks |
Grand Master Slayer of Beasts | Completed 3 Animal Master Slayer unlocks |
Grand Master Slayer of Daemons | Completed 3 Daemon Master Slayer unlocks |
Grand Master Slayer of Humanoids | Completed 3 Humanoid Master Slayer unlocks |
Grand Master Slayer of Monsters | Completed 3 Monster Master Slayer unlocks |
Grand Master Slayer of Undead | Completed 3 Undead Master Slayer unlocks |
Saturday, September 6, 2008
昨天為了準備一台可以玩WarHammer Online的電腦,一下班就去光華組了一台,希望可以伴隨我個兩三年。
CPU : Intel E8400
RAM : Tanscend JetRam DDR2-800 2Gx4
HDD : WD 640G
VGA : PowerColor PCS 4850
POW : Corsair 520W/HX
CASE: CoolMaster 690
灌好Vista 64bit後,看了一下Vista的評分,居然是CPU最低,早知道我就照我的選擇買E8500,不過買了就買了,現在就是等Warhammer OB了 (還有等我的2709寄到家XD)