接續之前的Mortal Online CEO 訪問翻譯 Part 1 跟 Part 2 ,這次是Part 3,最後一篇啦 。
Q: Will there be different kind of creatures in the night compared to daytime?
A: There's a lot of gameplay features affected by daytime cycle. There are a few resources like flowers or so which can only be picked up during daytime or moonlight. There are also different mobs that are awake during certain time of a day. Also the combat and pvp is affected, since you have to use light sources during the night.
Q: 在晚上會有與白天不同的生物嗎 ?
A: 有很多遊戲相關的功能受著日夜的影響。有些資源例像是花,你只能依種類不同在白天或是晚上摘取。同時不同的動物也有不同的活動時間。戰鬥與玩家對戰也受著日夜的影響,像是你在晚上需要光源。
Q: Will there be a chat bubble over people who talk near you?
A: The text others say will be shown in the local chat window and also above player heads like in UO.
Q: 附近的人說話時,會有對話泡泡出現嗎 ?
A: 其他人說的話會顯示在當地談話視窗內,跟UO一樣最新的話在最上面。
Q: Is there summoning or teleporting spells?
A: We need to be careful with this, because it affects the entire travelling system. We don't want people to avoid trading routes by using that kind of travel. However there could be some sort of teleportation close to the guild stone at some point.
Q: 會有招換或是傳送的法術嗎 ?
A: 我們必須小心處理這件事,因為這會影響整個旅行的系統。我們不希望玩家用這種移動方式避開交易路程。然而還是會有種可以傳送到公會石的方式。
Q: What game feature is the most worried about at the moment? Something that could go wrong.
A: Well I was worried at some state about the real time combat system, but after we ran testing over years We feel and I'm confident that we have very good real time combat system. I'm not sure if we have any other feature that we're worried, but it could be the minigame system for crafting. It might be that we can't get that minigame ready for launch. Because it's really difficult to implement into our system. It's unreal engine that's really limiting us in some ways and we will have to develop a new pipeline for the engine and that task is not simple or quick.
Q: 什麼功能是目前最擔心、有可能出錯的 ?
A: 我之前對即時戰鬥系統有些擔心,但是在測試了將近一年後,我們確信我們有個非常棒的即時戰鬥系統。我不確定除了製造技能的小遊戲系統之外,有其他的功能是我們所擔心的。我們可能沒辦法在發行前推出這個小遊戲,由於Unreal引擎的限制,要加入到我們的系統相當的困難。我們需要為遊戲引擎開發新的管道,但這不是會是件簡單或很快的事。
Q: What kind of minigame is this for crafting?
A: We haven't released much info of it yet, but it will be nothing like some other games have. It's really unique and very cool. It has puzzle elements in it and experimenting.
Q: 製造技能的小遊戲是哪類型的 ?
A: 我們還沒放出多少消息,但是將會跟別的遊戲完全不一樣。會非常獨特而且很酷,會有益智遊戲的元素在。
Q: Does MO have a system that can be updated visually after like 10 years?
A: The Unreal Engine is very flexible graphic engine and yeah, it can be updated well.
Q: Mortal Online的系統可以在很久 - 像是十年之後更新畫面嗎 ?
A: Unreal引擎是非常靈活的繪圖引擎,是的,它可以更新。
Q: Will players have to pay extra for large updates and expansions?
A: We believe in having a loyal customer base and for that we have to give something back for the community. So at the moment we are aiming for having these as free updates.
Q: 玩家會需要為重大的更新或是資料片付錢嗎 ?
A: 我們相信有個忠實玩家族群的效用,為了這個我們會回報給社群。目前我們的目標是免費的更新。
Q: What arc type are you going to play in MO?
A: I enjoy the half orc race and I'm going to be on the battle field a lot. If you enjoy the pvp you will see me probably some time. I enjoy the magic also so I will probably be using magic.
Q: 在Mortal Online 你會玩什麼類型的角色 ?
A: 我喜歡半獸人,而且我常常出沒在戰場。如果你也喜歡玩家間對戰,也許你會看到我。我喜歡使用魔法,所以我應該會使用法術。
Q: Will hybrids be best in MO pvp?
A: I don't think that mixing melee, archery and magic will be the best way to pvp because each of these require a lot of skill from the player. I think the best combat style for a player is the one he likes the most. So a quick answer to the question is no.
Q: 混合職會是MO中玩家對戰的最佳方式嗎 ?
A: 我不覺得混合近戰、射箭與法術會是玩家間對戰的最佳組合,因為這些系列每個都需要很多技能。我想最佳的戰鬥方式是玩家使用他最喜歡的方式。所以簡單來說答案是否定的。
Q: Will I be able to get married and have kids?
A: We're not sure about that step, but it's a possibility if it's wanted by the players. We're not restricting ourselves in lore or so however, so it's possible.
Q: 我可以結婚跟生小孩嗎 ?
A: 我們還不確定這方面的事,但是如果玩家希望,這是有可能的。我們不會限制自己想法,所以這是可能的。
Q: Will there be caravans for trading, chariots etc?
A: Yeah, well that's actually a must if you want to build a castle or a city. You will need wagons and mounts to carry the resources, same goes with building siege weapons.
Q: 有交易用的商隊,像是馬車的東西 ?
A: 是的,如果你想建城堡或是城市,這是必須的。你會需要貨車與坐騎來攜帶資源,建攻城武器時也是一樣。
Q: How cartography skill works?
A: We're looking into this still how to do it. There are two ways. One very interesting way is to make players paint the map with a digital pen on their own. But this requires a similar interface system like the crafting mini game needs. So it wont make it to launch. Cartography will be more generic at first where you can't do so much on your own.
Q: 地圖製作技能是怎麼運作的。
A: 我們深入的來看這技能怎麼運作。有兩個方法;一個非常有趣的方法是讓玩家用數位筆自己畫出他們要的地圖,但是這需要一個模擬界面系統,像是製造小遊戲需要的。所以這不會在發行時出現。地圖製作在一開始時會相當普通,你不能做多少自己客製化的。
Q: If and when you get the system for the crafting mini game and others alike, what else can it do?
A: You could draw your own paintings, guild logo for crafted armor and guild logo for banners hanging from the walls and such. This is quite high priority after launch because it opens up so many new features. Hopefully we get to work on this system in the near future.
Q: 如果你有了製造的小遊戲系統,還有甚麼是這系統可以做的 ?
A: 你可以畫自己的圖樣,用來當作鎧甲或旗幟上的公會標誌。在發行後這系統是高優先製作的,因為這可以帶來很多新的功能。希望我們可以在不久的將來看到這系統上線。
Q: Will you be able to upload your own guild logo image?
A: At the moment we have pre set of images and logos. We have looked at the possibility of players to upload them, but we're not sure about the administartion for that. We still have limited resources, but if things run smooth and we can increase our resources things like that will be looked at.
Q: 可以上傳公會的標誌圖片嗎 ?
A: 目前我們有預設的圖片跟標誌可以選擇。我們正在研究玩家上傳的可能性,但是我們還不確定這方面的管理問題。我們只有有限的資源,但是如果順利的話,我們會增加我們的資源去支援這個功能。
Q: Is there any anti cheat system for the game?
A: Epic Games have been working for an anti cheat system for us. It's not so simple thing though, because we always have to be careful when we're implementing different systems so it will easily support the anti cheat system. We do have a system at the moment and tools to track down cheats and instant ban them. Hopefully it will be efficient enough for what we are going to face.
Q: 這遊戲有任何的防作弊系統嗎 ?
A: Epic Games 正在幫我們設計一個防作弊系統。這不是件簡單的事,但我們對於加入不同系統時總是非常小心,所以將能輕易的支援這個防作弊系統。現在我們有個系統跟工具去追查作弊,並且立即封鎖他們。希望這足夠對付我們將要面對的。
Q: Does banking have item limitation?
A: Yeah, there will be item limitation. This is because we need to control the size of our database. But you can also store items in a house you own.
Q: 銀行會有物品的數量限制嗎 ?
A: 是的,會有數量限制。因為我們必須控制資料庫的大小,你也可以把東西存放在你的房子內。
Q: How will murder flagged(reds) bank?
A: There will be a few towns that will be guardless so reds can bank there. We're still forming the rules for the reds, but they will have access to banks.
Q: 被標記為殺人者(紅名)的玩家如何使用銀行 ?
A: 會有一些城鎮沒有守衛,所以紅名的人可以在那是用銀行。我們正在設訂紅名的規則,但是他們還是可以使用銀行。
Q: Is there a way to reproduce books and maps in a fast way?
A: You will be able to copy books and maps with right skills and resources. I'm not sure how fast it will be.
Q: 有方法快速的複製書跟地圖嗎 ?
A: 你可以用適當的技能與資源去複製書跟地圖,我不確定速度是多快。
Q: Is there treasure hunting system?
A: Yeah, you will need cartography for that.
Q: 有尋寶系統嗎 ?
A: 有,你需要會地圖製作才能使用。
Q: Will paypal be supported as payment?
A: Yes, we will support it.
Q: 會支援PayPal這個付費管道嗎 ?
A: 是的, 我們會支援。
Q: How much will Mortal Online cost?
A: It will be cheaper than for example Darkfall was. The price will always be cheaper for the non-EU players because of the 25% VAT. But it will be cheaper than Darkfall for both EU and non-EU based.
Q: MO會賣多少錢 ?
A: 會比Darkfall便宜。這價錢對歐洲以外的玩家會比較便宜,因為少了25%的加值稅,但對於在歐洲與不在歐洲的玩家,價格都會比DF便宜。
Q: Will there be flying mounts?
A: No, there wont. We did have some nice design for it, but we ran into too many problems and we are ditching it probably for good.
Q: 會有飛行坐騎嗎 ?
A: 不會. 我們對飛行坐騎有一些很棒的想法,不過我們遇到了很多問題,所以捨棄飛行坐騎可能會比較好。
Q: What inspired you to start Mortal Online project?
A: It has been a long journey to start the company etc. I've always been a ”doer” type of a person, it really started from UO beta stage when I felt that this is something I really wanted to do in the future. At that point technology was restricting to create a game like MO, but now we're here.
Q: 什麼靈感讓你開始製作Mortal Online ?
A: 在成立公司很久之前。我一直都是個行動派的人,從線上創世紀的測試階段開始,我就覺得這是我未來想做的東西。在那時候還受限於技術無法去做一個像是MO的遊戲,但是我們現在可以了。
Q: What's your favorite color?
A: That would be green. Good question!
Q: 你最喜歡的顏色?
A: 好問題!!是綠色。
Q: Will the animals be nude?
A: Yeah, they're nude.
Q: 動物會是光著身體的嗎 ?
A: 是的, 它們是裸體的。
Q: Will you be able to reproduce tamed animals?
A: Yeah, you will be able to breed animals.
Q: 可以繁殖馴服的動物嗎 ?
A: 是的, 你可以繁殖動物。
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