
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

[Molehill Empire] Quest 65 ~ 71

QUEST 65 - 3400 lavender and 7500 olives

From: Town council Green Valley

Thanks to the success of the regional horticultural show, Green Valley has been nominated as venue for the next national horticultural show. In keeping with the show's motto "Mediterranean Garden Feeling", the city marketing is planning to create a Provençal park at the outskirts of Green Valley. In order to realize their plan, the city marketing needs 3,400 lavender and 7,500 olive trees. As token of gratitude for your support, you will receive 200,000.00 gB.

QUEST 66 - 750 lavender, 1300 cucumbers and 4000 carrots

From: Town council Green Valley

The cosmetics-manufacturer "Blooming Meadows" has developed a new series of wellness products. The skin tightening cream "Eighteen-year Old Peach" has turned out to be a hit with the female gnomes - and surprisingly so, with the males as well! It only took a week until the manufacturer had run out of his complete supply. Desperate, the manager is asking for a special delivery of 750 lavender, 1,300 cucumbers and 4,000 carrots. He will pay you 12,000.00 gB.

QUEST 67 - 10xfootpath2

From: Town council Green Valley

Green Valley rocks! The Hippy-community Green Valley is planning to stage a tribute to the legendary festival "Rockin' Green Valley". So the expected masses of Rock music-fans won't trample the community's lovingly tended flower fields, Green Valley's flower children urgently need 10 footpaths 2. Please deliver the footpaths as soon as possible to the community-leader. As a thank-you, you will receive 20,000.00 gB and 15,000 points.

QUEST 68 - 10000 carrots, 5000 tomatoes and 20000 lettuce

From: Town council Green Valley

The cultural society Green Valley is holding its first "Museum Night". The excentric artists' duo Pavlov Pistachio and Vinzenco van Gherkin are planning to erect one of their larger-than-life vegetable installations in front of the city museum Green Valley. They need 10,000 carrots, 5,000 tomatoes and 20,000 heads of lettuce. The culturalsociety will reward you with 2,000.00 gB and 2,000 points.

QUEST 69 - 25000 tomatoes

From: Town council Green Valley

Green Valley's number one theater company "The Loyal Pear-Shake Players" are planning to stage the play "Murder in the backyard". In order to produce enough artificial blood for the gory drama, the company needs a delivery of 25,000 tomatoes. You will receive 4,000.00 gB on delivery.

QUEST 70 - 6000 tomatoes, 12000 lettuce and 18000 carrots

From: Town council Green Valley

The hip daily soap "Mole Alley" is planning to cast the role of sinister mole-dealer Al Gardone. The Catering-company "Tomato 2 Go" urgently needs 6,000 tomatoes, 12,000 heads of lettuce and 18,000 carrots to supply the crew with sandwiches. You can look forward to 1,800.00 and a warm handshake of director Ted Wood.

QUEST 71 - a zen garden

From: Town council Green Valley

The communities Hedgerow Ville and Green Valley are planning to expand their export-market and have invited the ambassador of wealthy Pang-Ping-Pong, to visit the local gardeners. As the ambassador has a reputation of being chronically homesick, his hotel-room is going to be designed in Pang-Ping-Pong-style. The hotel-manager of Hedgerow Ville's 5-star hotel "The Happy Allotment Holder" now urgently needs a zen-garden. Your diplomatic aide will reward you with 25,000 points.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

League of Legends Closed Beta 申請教學

今天League of Legends在Facebook上公佈了Closed Beta Invite的訊息,之前就有在關注這套遊戲的我自然就去申請了帳號。下面以簡單的圖文介紹申請流程。


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Microsoft SQL Azure 初用心得

前陣子收到了微軟寄來的SQL Azure Invitation , 那時後啟動完後 , 因為家裡也沒開發環境 , 所以就一直沒機會用到 , 最近跟同事聊天聊到要做一個台灣版的美人時計 , 他拍照我弄網站 , 那時原本是想找個空間丟1440個 XML , 然後用AJAX去隨著時間換 , 不過後來好像因為大家工作都忙, 所以也就沒有下文了, 這幾天想到可以試著用Azure來玩這個美人時計, 於是就有了這個初用心得。

首先先登入微軟的Windows Azure Platform,有帳號的話可以直接從這邊登入

因為一些程式上的開發需要在VS2008以上的環境才能用,所以先測了SQL Azure,登入後到ProjectViewer的頁面,會看到像上圖一樣的現有Project,因為現在是CTP階段(Community Technology Preview,微軟的社群技術預覽,可視為Beta), 所以Porject都已經建好了, 只要點Manage就可以進去Server Administration頁了。

[Blogger] 熱門文章 by Google Friend Connect

今天在找Blogger的熱門文章,又不想找那種是靠回應數評比的,結果找來找去,看到Google Friend Connect有出一個"最多人推的文章"的社交小工具,於是就來用用看好了,雖然這個的評比是靠推薦,也不太符合我的需求。

首先,先連到Google Friend Connect,登入後左邊有個[社交小工具],點進去後選[推薦小工具]就可以開始設定了。

在步驟一[設定推薦清單]跟步驟二[設定按鈕]設定完後,在步驟三[建立 HTML 程式碼]按下[產生程式碼],下面就會分別產生出推薦清單與推薦按鈕的程式碼,上面的是清單,下面的是推薦按鈕,兩邊的內容大致都分成三塊

<!-- Include the Google Friend Connect javascript library. -->
<!-- Define the div tag where the gadget will be inserted. -->
<!-- Render the gadget into a div. -->

<!-- Include the Google Friend Connect javascript library. -->
<!-- Define the div tag where the gadget will be inserted. -->
<!-- Render the gadget into a div. -->

Sunday, October 4, 2009




Thursday, October 1, 2009

[內湖]正常鮮肉湯包 內湖店


台灣「婚活」旅遊, 日本正夯 ?

