QUEST 72 - 4000 roses, 2500 gerberas and 1250 lavender
From:Town council Green Valley
Green Valley's new town council has openly argued for an official intervention to stop Al Gardone's fruitful black mole-market. One day later, the desperate chairman Rudolph Rusty-Rake and his secretary Lewellyn 'O Hare are standing in front of their thoroughly mauled flower-beds... not even a single flower has survived the attack! Deliver 4,000 roses, 2,500 gerberas and 1,250 lavender to repair the damage. You will receive 25,000 points in exchange.
QUEST 73 - 4700 blueberries, 2400 blackberries and 900 plums
From:Town council Green Valley
The ice-cream manufacturers are celebrating their anniversary! In order to drawattention to this event, they are planning to create a special flavor. To produce the special edition "Blue Boss", they need 4,700 blueberries, 2,500 blackberries and 900 plums. As a token of gratitude, you will receive 72,000.00 gB.
QUEST 74 - 1 fire pit
From:Town council Green Valley
To celebrate Orlando Blommingfields, star of this year's blockbuster "Lord of the Treerings", the community Green Valley is organizing an exclusive Treering-Convention. Unfortunately the professional pyro-technicians have missed their connecting flight to Hedgerow Ville, which is why the organizers are now short of an atmospheric campfire. Please deliver a fire-pit to the organizational committee. In exchange, you will receive 150,000 points, and who knows, maybe you will run across Orlando Bloomingfields on the way...
QUEST 75 - 1100 lavender, 1000 marigolds and 900 garlic
From:Town council Green Valley
The amiable healer Selina is contacting Molehill Empire from the dimension Xenyoo. To prepare her healing potion, she lacks 1,100 lavender, 1,000 marigolds and 900 cloves of garlic. As she hasn't fully grasped the concept of conversion rates, an unscrupulous money changer managed to take her for a ride, so all she can pay you are a mere 15,000.00 gB's. But think of the honor that will be bestowed on you, when she tells of your munificence and grandeur on Xenyoo DW!
QUEST 76 - 4500 gerberas and 5300 lilies
From:Town council Green Valley
The Gnome Disco "Dancing Daffodil" has held its first single-party. To identify themselves, the male singles were supposed to adorn their button-holes with gerberas, while the female singles were asked to put a lily in their hair. Because of the large attendance, Hedgerow Ville's florist is now completely sold out. The owner urgently needs a delivery of 4,500 gerberas and 5,300 lilies and will pay you 12,000.000 gB.
QUEST 77 - 6000 potatoes, 2000 cauliflowers and 500 apples
From:Town council Green Valley
Green Valley's charity organization "We Care For Gnomes (WCFG)" is planning their annual summer camp for all adolescent gnomes. So the young gnomes are perfectly taken are of, the organization needs a few additional donations of vegetables and fruits. Deliver 6,000 potatoes, 2,000 cauliflowers and 500 apples. The good cause will earn you 30,000 points.
QUEST 78 - 12000 carrots and 6000 walnuts
From:Town council Green Valley
It all started with a carrot. For 10 days now, gardening guru River Lilacbush has honored the founding day of his allotment empire "Crispy Carrots" by holding a large carrot-pie party. Unfortunately his harvest has suffered badly by the rabbits of the new local rabbit breeding society RABIES, so he needs a delivery of 12,000 carrots and 2,000 walnuts. Lilacbush will reward you with 150,000 points.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
原來email list這麼容易找
這裡面是一大堆的email,將檔名轉碼後可知是"PCHome發信名單-群組1.txt",裡面大概有超過一百萬個email(我算到後來懶得算了),隨便亂看了一下,幾乎都是yahoo的email (難怪垃圾信那麼多),看了一下216.151.157.18這個IP是米國的,然後這個站直接設可以瀏覽檔案列表,所以就看了216.151.157.18下面有啥,亂看了一下之後,覺得這應該是個可以用來自動申請帳號、換proxy發垃圾信的機器吧XD (或是只是個放檔案的地方 ?)
這裡面是一大堆的email,將檔名轉碼後可知是"PCHome發信名單-群組1.txt",裡面大概有超過一百萬個email(我算到後來懶得算了),隨便亂看了一下,幾乎都是yahoo的email (難怪垃圾信那麼多),看了一下216.151.157.18這個IP是米國的,然後這個站直接設可以瀏覽檔案列表,所以就看了216.151.157.18下面有啥,亂看了一下之後,覺得這應該是個可以用來自動申請帳號、換proxy發垃圾信的機器吧XD (或是只是個放檔案的地方 ?)
[送很大] Prius Online VIP開通序號10組
聽說今天(12/30)Prius Online就要VIP test了,看討論區似乎有人在要序號的感覺,於是Died去弄了10組序號來發給大家,要拿到序號的方式就跟之前一樣,只要你在本篇文章留言後,寄信給我說你是哪一個留言的人就可以了,我會將開通序號回信給你。
Monday, December 28, 2009
他說"日本狂賣蘿蔔襪,睡覺穿就小蘿蔔腿",讓我覺得很好奇,難道日本已經走在時代尖端,物極必反,開始流行起蘿蔔腿而不是修長的美腿了嗎 ? 後來點進去一看,原來是PayEasy的廣告,而且這個蘿蔔襪是穿了讓你消蘿蔔,不是睡覺穿就蘿蔔腿XD
他說"日本狂賣蘿蔔襪,睡覺穿就小蘿蔔腿",讓我覺得很好奇,難道日本已經走在時代尖端,物極必反,開始流行起蘿蔔腿而不是修長的美腿了嗎 ? 後來點進去一看,原來是PayEasy的廣告,而且這個蘿蔔襪是穿了讓你消蘿蔔,不是睡覺穿就蘿蔔腿XD
Friday, December 18, 2009
[LOL] the Snowdown Showdown Event 落雪慶典
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
[ASP.NET] Sys 未被定義
sys未被定義之奇怪現象 Ajax 中的脚本错误: Sys未定义 的解决方法
Friday, December 11, 2009
在IIS上註冊ASP.NET 2.0 與設定UrlScan的小技巧
今天在設定新的Web Server時,發生了一點小問題,解決後覺得值得記下來分享,於是有了這篇。
一開始是在設定一台新的站台,調整Url Scan的設定時,將Options設UseAllowExtensions=1,使用正面表列的方式只允許[AllowExtensions]內所列的附檔名,結果發現這樣子的設定,在IIS內所設的[文件]-[啟用預設內容頁]裡所設定的Default Documents會起不了作用,試了一下,發現在[AllowExtensions]內加入 "." 做為一個允許的附檔名就好了。
後來在把這台設定搬到別台時,有台電腦的ISAPI篩選器裡所掛的元件都沒有起來,一時間也找不到原因,於是將IIS重灌。重灌後發現好像是可以了,可是IIS內ASP.NET的版本從2.0降到1.0去,我知道這個是有工具可以註冊的,不過後來找了一下,發現.NET Framework內就有指令可以用了,於是就按表操課後,解決了這個版本問題,站台也順利的建了起來。下面是在200/2003/XP中註冊.NET 2.0的指令
Windows 2000/XP
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Windows 2003
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i -enable
ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe)
Re-Register ASP.Net with IIS
一開始是在設定一台新的站台,調整Url Scan的設定時,將Options設UseAllowExtensions=1,使用正面表列的方式只允許[AllowExtensions]內所列的附檔名,結果發現這樣子的設定,在IIS內所設的[文件]-[啟用預設內容頁]裡所設定的Default Documents會起不了作用,試了一下,發現在[AllowExtensions]內加入 "." 做為一個允許的附檔名就好了。
後來在把這台設定搬到別台時,有台電腦的ISAPI篩選器裡所掛的元件都沒有起來,一時間也找不到原因,於是將IIS重灌。重灌後發現好像是可以了,可是IIS內ASP.NET的版本從2.0降到1.0去,我知道這個是有工具可以註冊的,不過後來找了一下,發現.NET Framework內就有指令可以用了,於是就按表操課後,解決了這個版本問題,站台也順利的建了起來。下面是在200/2003/XP中註冊.NET 2.0的指令
Windows 2000/XP
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Windows 2003
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -i -enable
ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe)
Re-Register ASP.Net with IIS