Hello everyone, I have gathered the champions' statistics ranking from the
official League of Legend website and made temporary forms for them. More detailed information will be update soon.
**Update to Patch v1.0.0.83**
League of Legends Champion Health At Lv18 |
Rank | Name | Health |
Detail information... |
1 | Alistar | 2520 |
2 | Nunu | 2381 |
3 | Sion | 2345 |
4 | Blitzcrank | 2268 |
5 | Tryndamere | 2225 |
League of Legends Champion Mana At Lv18 |
Rank | Name | Mana |
Detail information... |
1 | Janna | 1454 |
2 | Heimerdinger | 1410 |
3 | Karthus | 1368 |
4 | Zilean | 1340 |
5 | Morgana | 1320 |
League of Legends Champion Armor At Lv18 |
Rank | Name | Armor |
Detail information... |
1 | Kayle | 95 |
2 | Singed | 93.6 |
3 | Jax | 90 |
3 | Poppy | 90 |
3 | Shen | 90 |
League of Legends Champion Critical Strike At Lv18 |
Rank | Name | Critical Strike |
Detail information... |
1 | Evelynn | 13.35 |
1 | Katarina | 13.35 |
1 | Ashe | 13.35 |
2 | Kennen | 12.15 |
3 | Nidalee | 12 |
3 | Ezreal | 12 |
3 | Twisted Fate | 12 |
League of Legends Champion Health Regen At Lv18 |
Rank | Name | Health Regen |
Detail information... |
1 | Tryndamere | 5.24 |
2 | Sion | 5.22 |
3 | Nasus | 4.86 |
4 | Nasus | 4.74 |
5 | Cho'Gath | 4.56 |
League of Legends Champion Mana Regen At Lv18 |
Rank | Name | Mana Regen |
Detail information... |
1 | Anivia | 3.06 |
2 | Gangplank | 2.6 |
3 | Ezreal | 2.52 |
3 | Heimerdinger | 2.52 |
4 | Zilean | 2.51 |
Note: Champion's abilities effect didn't in the calculation of the stats.(e.g. Cho'Gath's Feast)
Date updated at 2010/04/26
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