↑ Here is the Status Bar ↑system start up....
If you using Facebook Social Plugin , you can like and comment on each page , but you can't calculate how many like, comment, unlike, comment-delete happed on the webpage if you only using Social Plugin , so we need to add something to tracking those events.
如果你有再用Facebook Social Plugin , 你可以在每個頁面上按讚、留言,但是只用Socail Plugin並沒辦法計算有多少讚、留言產生或是取消,所以我們需要加點東西來追蹤這些事件。
Facebook Javascript SDK has a feature called FB.Event.subscribe https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.Event.subscribe/ , it can "Attaches an handler to an event and invokes your callback when the event fires." , then we can get that we need.
Facebook Javascript SDK 有個功能叫做 FB.Event.subscribe ,它可以在事件上掛上handler,然後在事件觸發時 callback ,然後我們就可以取得我們要想的東西了。