PowerShell is an useful command tool on Windows, here I will show how to download file and unzip it.
By default PowerShell uses TLS 1.0, if your file host's SSL using TLS 1.2, you will got this this error:
PowerShell預設使用TLS 1.0,如果你檔案網站的SSL使用TLS 1.2,你會遇到下面這個錯誤:
For this case, you can set PowerShell use TLS 1.2 first to avoid the error by this way.
在這情況,你可以用下面方式設定PowerShell優先使用TLS 1.2來避免這個問題。
Example | 範例 :
Download | 下載
We using Invoke-WebRequest to download file in Windows(like wget in linux), the command like this:我們使用Invoke-WebRequest來在Windows下載檔案(像linux的wget),指令如下:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri <Uri> -OutFile <String>
By default PowerShell uses TLS 1.0, if your file host's SSL using TLS 1.2, you will got this this error:
PowerShell預設使用TLS 1.0,如果你檔案網站的SSL使用TLS 1.2,你會遇到下面這個錯誤:
Invoke-WebRequest : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
For this case, you can set PowerShell use TLS 1.2 first to avoid the error by this way.
在這情況,你可以用下面方式設定PowerShell優先使用TLS 1.2來避免這個問題。
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls" Invoke-WebRequest -uri https://died.github.io/us-map.zip -outfile map.zip
Unzip | 解壓縮
The command Expand-Archive can help us unzip file, usage like this:指令Expand-Archive可以幫我們解壓縮檔案,使用方式如下:
Expand-Archive <ZipFile> -DestinationPath <String>
Example | 範例 :
Expand-Archive .\map.zip -DestinationPath .\map\